Dr. Tsampika Paraskeva

Photo: UHH/RRZ/Mentz
Resesarch Associate | Post Doc (October 2017- January 2019)
Key aspects of activity
- Women's life in the medieval Islamic world
- Entre la música y el eros: Artes y vida de las cantoras en el Oriente medieval según El libro de las canciones (Kitāb al-agānī). Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2016.
- “Scrutinizing the Constructions of Wa’d through Major Lexicographical Sources” (in course of publication).
"La costumbre del wa’d a través de los relatos de dos seguidores del profeta Muḥammad." In: MEAH, Sección Árabe-Islam, 70 (2021): 267-298.
- “De nuevo sobre el léxico del Kitāb al-agānī: La condición social de las cantoras y músicas”. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos (Sección Árabe-Islam), 67 (2018), 175-200. http://meaharabe.com/index.php/meaharabe/article/view/957/901
“Papel de las cantoras en los mağālis y en otros eventos sociales del Oriente medieval”. eHumanista/IVITRA, 11 (2017), 358-375. http://www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit.ucsb.edu.span.d7_eh/files/sitefiles/ivitra/volume11/3.3.%20Paraskeva.pdf
“El léxico del Kitāb al-agānī referente a la condición artística de cantoras y músicas”. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos (Sección Árabe-Islam), 66 (2017), 213-235. http://www.meaharabe.com/index.php/meaharabe/article/view/911/876
- “Pertenencias y remuneración de las cantoras en el mundo árabe medieval a través de las páginas del Kitāb al-agānī”. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos (Sección Árabe-Islam), 65 (2016), 121-142. http://www.meaharabe.com/index.php/meaharabe/article/view/765/759
“Hetairas y Qiyān: El arte de la seducción”. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos (Sección Árabe-Islam), 59 (2010), 63-90. http://digibug.ugr.es/bitstream/10481/6877/1/Paraskeva10.pdf
- Review of: Marzūq Ibn Tunbāk. Al-wa’d ‘inda al-‘Arab: Bayna al-wahm wa-l-ḥaqīqa. Damascus: Dār al-Bašā’ir, 1428/2007, 200 pp., [no ISBN]. eHumanista/IVITRA, 13 (2018), 557-559. http://www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu/sites/secure.lsit.ucsb.edu.span.d7_eh/files/sitefiles/ivitra/volume13/36.%20Paraskeva.pdf
Research projects
Research projects carried out in collaboration with COBHUNI
1. “Scrutinizing the Constructions of Wa’d through Major Lexicographical Sources”: A project funded by the University of Hamburg and DAAD (October 2017 – May 2018).
The term wa’d or wa’d al-banāt refers to the alleged custom of the pre-Islamic era according to which female infants were buried alive after their birth. The information that Islamic sources contain on this topic is commonly perceived as an accurate depiction of a real practice. This perception is corroborated by the fact that the term maw’ūda –which denotes the girl buried alive– is mentioned in the Qur’ān –81:8–. The project consists of an exhaustive analysis of the data that major lexicographical sources provide about the custom of wa’d, aiming to shed light on certain mechanisms of construction of what is commonly believed to be a widespread practice of the jāhiliyya.
2. “The Stories of Ṣa‘ṣa‘a b. Nājiya and Qays b. ‘Āṣim: Constructions of the Good and the Evil Through the Custom of Wa’d”, funded by Gerda Henkel Foundation (June – November 2018).
The second project constitutes a thorough analysis and comparison of the stories of Ṣa‘ṣa‘a b. Nājiya and Qays b. ‘Āṣim related to the custom of wa’d (Ṣa‘ṣa‘a and Qays were contemporaries of Prophet Muḥammad). Ṣa‘ṣa‘a is said to have saved hundreds of newborn girls from being subjected to the practice of wa’d, whereas Qays is presented as a man whose circumstances forced him to kill his own daughters after their birth, despite the fact that he is generally depicted as an ethically upright person in medieval sources.