COBHUNI workshop: Between Christian Tradition and Islamic EnvironmentCommunication Session on Wednesday, May 31st, AS Saal, ESA 1
31 May 2017
Florian Jäckel | Universität Hamburg: Fusion of al-Ghazali and Christian Tradition: The Unborn in the Normative Thought of Barhebraeus Dr. Lev Weitz | CUA, Washington: Dr. Weitz's talk will explore the interconnections between Islamic law and Syriac Christian law in the medieval Middle East. In some cases, Christian jurists adopted Islamic norms in their efforts to regulate the social relations of Christian communities; in others, they explicitly opposed Christian to Islamic law in order to demarcate the boundaries between Christians and Muslims within Islamic societies. Overall, the study of Syriac Christian law and its fraught relationship with Islamic traditions provides insight into the ebb and flow of Islamization across the medieval period.