COBHUNI Poster PresentationCOBHUNI Poster Presentation
12 December 2017
COBHUNI will present research results of 2017!
The presentations will take place on Wednesday, December 13th 2017 from 10 am c.t. in the AS-Saal | Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20148 Hamburg.
Presentations from:
Khaoula Trad:
Sahih Muslim in the Islamic West:
Lines of Transmission as an Object of Interest in the Commentary Ikmal al Mu`lim by Qadi `Iyad
Melanie Guénon:
The Embryo and the Expert:
Medicine, Religion and the Struggle for Authority
Dr. Alicia Gonzalez & Tillmann Josua:
The COBHUNI Corpus and Tools: One year ahead